2021 New Edition
FIMAQH do not rest on the organization of the next edition of May 2021. More companies want to be part of FIMAQH due to the change of date and because they trust in the economy recovery of the country and they know that the show opens unequal opportunities of...
The path to the 2021 Edition
FIMAQH 2010 is in the final stage of the organization, the show is 70% allocated and there are 7 months to go and more than 100 companies ready to show. FIMAQH´s exhibitors represent more than 70 industrial categories which make the show as the biggest industrial...
FIMAQH is represented in EMO Hannover 2019
As we have informed early, a delegation of CARMAHE, FIMAQH´s co-organizing committee, formed by Jorge Göttert , president, and by Federico Meligrana, manager, shall be present in EMO Hannover 2019, Germany. EMO is considered one of the biggest worldwide industry event...
FIMAQH is represented in MetalExpo 2019
One of the organizers of the International Trade Fair for Machine Tools, Capital Goods and Services for Production (FIMAQH), the Argentine machine tool association, capital goods and service for production (CARMAHE) is promoting the 2021 edition in MetalExpo, the...
FIMAQH´s expectations are growing
The next edition of the International Trade Fair for Machine Tools, Capital Goods and Services for Production it aims to exceed the numbers of 2018. When the last edition of 2018 was closed, FIMAQH´s organization decided to overtake the numbers achieved and that goal...
FIMAQH is working in direct allocation of spaces
The International Trade Fair for Machine Tools, Capital Goods and Services for Production has more than 100 companies that have already confirmed attendance in the 2021 edition and more than 6000 m2 allocated. The industrial mega-event is still growing and...
Sponsors of FIMAQH 2021 are growing up
New sponsors joined the 2021 edition of the International Trade Fair for Machine Tools, Capital Goods and Services for production in the last days. New sponsors of FIMAQH 2021 are the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME, in Spanish), Argentine Chamber...
FIMAQH 2021 is promoted in te world
The Argentine Machine Tool Association capital goods and service for production (CARMAHE), one of the organizers along with the AFFMHA and CAFHIM, was present at the CIMT 2019, the 16th Edition of the China International Machine Tool Show (CIMT) and in ExpoMafe 2019...
FIMAQH in exhibitor’s words
Exhibitors present at the allocation act in FIMAQH conversed in the Tecnotrade audiovisual series of CARMAHE and they told about their expectations for this new edition and the significance that the show has in order to meet with their customers and they offer their...
FIMAQH 2021 in words of organizers
We share a video made by the Tecnotrade Audiovisual that shows the spaces allocation act of FIMAQH 2021 and the organizers’ expectations for the next show edition. Mary Trigo, General Coordinator of the event, tells us why FIMAQH is an unavoidable meeting of the...